Step-By-Step Tutorial On How To Write A Good Definition Essay Quickly

This short, easy to follow guide is ideal for beginning writers who have now been tasked or inspired to write a good definition essay. It relies on both previous experience and expertise. Fully aware that online information is in abundance, this time around the guide here offers something original for high school and college writers to think about during the prepping and drafting stages of their writing.

Time to think quickly

For one thing, time is of the essence. You have a tight deadline and not many hours at your disposal to craft a well-written definition essay. The purpose of this exercise then is to help you think quickly on your feet. First, think carefully about what is meant by ‘definition’. Are you tasked to describe a series of events or a particular subject?

Invest in a short reading list

If so, then much of your work has progressed. Research time is also crucial, but thankfully, the paper is not going to be a lengthy one. Spend less time looking for material on the internet and utilize the expertise of your local librarian who can produce for you a short but effective reading list. You won’t have time to read texts cover to cover.

Focus on important areas only

What you will be doing instead is focusing on the most important aspects of your subject. You can identify these by scanning the books’ contents pages. Take short notes during your reading. When reading is completed, compose these notes into one-page compositions. Then collate all material into a drafting page. After that is done, you can begin to think quickly but seriously about your introduction.

The importance of the introduction

Remember that the introduction must include all or most of what you will be outlining throughout your paper, but try to keep this short. For the purposes of this exercise, a paragraph not longer than five lines should suffice. At the end of the essay, you will summarize what you have annotated in an even shorter conclusion. By now, you will have gained experience in drafting your paper quickly and efficiently.

If you’ve been successful so far, you will also have time to check your paper thoroughly and make corrections or amendments, if necessary. For the purposes of completing a written definition assignment as quickly as possible, a few steps were introduced to help new writers begin their own process as originally as possible.