Young Years Of Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs is called by many a revolutionary person in many areas: personal computers, tablets, mobile phones and even cartoons and music. He was born in 1955 in California and grew up in San Francisco Bay in the home of his adoptive parents, who have taken him in immediately after his birth. His parents have later taken in another child into the family, Steve’s sister Patricia. After that the family moved from San Francisco to Mountain View.

School has not been all easy for Steve Jobs. He was schooled to reading by his mother and, therefore, never paid too much attention in classes during his first year at school. Due to boredom he used to make pranks on other children and misbehave and was suspended from school for a several time only in elementary school. He was lucky to get a good teacher in Grade 4, who taught him to love studying. He did so well that he was offered to skip the next two years, which his parents did not allow. He skipped a year and, being the youngest in his class, was often bullied by other kids. Steve told his parents that he would drop out from school if they don’t take them to a new one and the family had to move again.

Their new home became the town of Los Altos. The neighborhood was highly populated by engineering families – a good surrounding for a future computer genius. Their new house in Los Altos in a few years would be proclaimed a historic cite – after Steve Jobs decides to create his tech lab in the garage and will become world-famous. Here he met his future partner and co-founder of Apple Steve Wozniak and got a part time job at Hewlett Packard from Bill Hewlett himself.

When in High School, Steve started to adopt a counterculture. He grew long hair, was hanging out with his friends and enjoyed himself. The school was tight closely to the Silicon Valley and most of the kids came from engineering family, when Steve had to take Engineering 101 courses and soon studying bored him to death again. However, as we all well know, he did not stop there. At the end, it doesn’t matter if you are not the best at some point, if you were not liked or if you did not like your life. All that matters is the choices you make and the actions you take to make yourself and your life better.